Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sometimes I Forget and Go Out for a Walk in the Neighborhood and…

*UPDATE 9.19/10, just found pics on camera of this incident, see bottom of post

Saturday mid-morning, I'm feeling good, work all caught up, and it’s a balmy 70 degrees in L.A., so I dress a little nicer than usual to go out and about, "fancy pants," I joke to the mirror, and bound out the door.

Once again, I forgot about the neighborhood until it was too late.

Then I let the neighborhood turn me.

See, last year or so, I’ve taken to staying inside. Since moving here in 2005, I've had to find ways to get things I need delivered. I order online then stick a hand through the door to sign a UPS receipt. This is how one adapts to life along Sunset Boulevard in East Hollywood. Going out your door is not wise.

But I'm a social animal. so inevitably start to crave human interaction, like last Saturday, I mean that's why I live in a city, isn’t it? So I put on some Saturday fancy pants, fixed my hair, and went out to do a stroll along the boulevard.

Sunset Boulevard.

Must have been thinking about last century, a movie in black and white I saw one time. This is what really happens when you go for a walk in my neighborhood today:

About a block and a half from home, a guy stopped in front of my face. He had no shirt, no teeth except one gold one in front, and a hairpick snagged in the wad on top of his head. Seems my once middle class white lady look ignited an inner hatred he’d had inside him since growing up in the projects, where he’d hear adults repeating the mantra, “White folks cause all the problems,” “White folks, white folks,” especially middle class white folks in fancy pants with sweet little old lady lipstick…

Right there on Sunset Boulevard, where several women with lunch bags stood waiting for a bus and watching, this guy attacked me. He was whacked out, probably cracked out, and at the sight of me some synapse inside his head ignited everything he hated about white people since he learned to talk

And I was there for him to dump it on.

He stopped in his tracks and hollered at me. I stepped off the sidewalk and tiptoed around behind a tree. When he realized he couldn't see me anymore he became irate and found me on the other side of the tree. I crept back onto the sidewalk on the other side and he followed close behind me, running his mouth with the mantra: “white folks” mixed with other mumblings, his voice like some kind of animal.

The light changed I scampered across the Sunset and tried to walk on down the street like everything was really fine, just a little old white lady out for a Saturday afternoon stroll.

But from there I was not in synch with the day.

The bus I wanted to catch to get out of the neighborhood runs only once an hour and it pulled away just as I was yards from reaching it. A regular bus passed close by and blew a load of debris onto me from under its wheels, followed closely by a second bus that did the same. I now had a layer of dirt particles mixed with sweat, under the sweater I thought it was going to be cool enough to wear that day.

Screw it, I thought, I'm going back home. Once again nothing in this town is worth the dreck you have to go through to get there. I didn't even want to walk all the way to the stop light to cross the street, I just wanted to cross where I was, then get back home as fast as I could.

Now, I've lived along the Sunset Boulevard corridor off and on since about 1967 and there’s always a point, no matter how much traffic, when the cars are stopped at red lights on both sides of you, just for a moment, and you can get across the street in the middle of the block. I've been doing this traffic sensing technique on L.A. streets since I was a teenager. It’s one of the few things I can do in my neighborhood where I end up feeling like I'm in my own hometown.

So today I'm going to do it, cross in the middle of the block. I wait, see red lights to my right and left, no traffic approaching, and I walk out into the intersection.

I make it halfway across Sunset and a man in a little blue sedan pulls out of a parking lot on the other side of the street. He practically aims at me as I'm crossing. Instead of slowing down, he lifts his left hand and points his fingers at me, saying shame shame shame on you for crossing in the middle of the block.

He looks like an Armenian, like most the people in my neighborhood, living on benefits that my government will give them but will not give me.

I keep walking right up to the little blue car as it passes and I SLAM my arm on his window, hard, hollering:

“You're supposed to stop, it’s the law in California, you stop for pedestrians, you Idiot!” SLAM. I shouted in a voice like some kind of animal.

In the split second it all happened I saw his mouth pop open and his eyes bugged out. He sped up and scooted away and I stood in the street hollering after him, letting out all the hate I've had inside me the last five years I've lived in this ghetto slum part of the city.

I even dug in my pockets for something heavy I could throw at the blue car. Wished I could have broken the damn car window," I said under my breath and I was all the way up to my building again before I stopped clenching my fists. I ran up the stairs and back inside my apartment in the back of the building, where I always hide, where no windows look out into the street.

And I started packing.
UPDATE 9.19.2010: Just realized I took pictures of the "Menacing Guy" this morning while uploading my camera. When I got across the street, I doubled back, followed him, and tried to catch a picture.

He saw me taking his picture and crossed the street.

Is he looking at me?

Yes he is.

But then by the time he got across the street...

...He forgot why he came over, so went back across Sunset and walked away...
And I'm getting out of L.A.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Eternal Obliqueness, or 86'd Again Again

Thrown out of another joint. I should have expected it, as all pastors are the same when it gets down to boards of directors and breakfast meetings discussing policy. Somewhere my volunteer work at a Christian nonprofit nearby got stymied, and suddenly they do not need any more volunteers. "Your services are no longer needed, Miss Kay," was the word to me today, and I just knew, in my visceral way of feeling. I walked out saying goodbye to the two other volunteers who were still working there. .

The new director must have Googled my name, she saw the topic on which I write. Churches never want me around when they find out who I am, of course it would apply to nonprofits run by church groups as well. Or could be they just don't want a journalist around that much, as face it, if I see something untoward, it won't be five minutes before I'm reporting it.

Whatever, I begin to realize you can't fight the life God puts in front of you. I was volunteering mainly to fight isolation and get my head out of the topic on which I've been writing for a few hours a week.

Then with no reason or real explanation, got fired from my volunteer job this afternoon. I was volunteering to try to get out of isolation.


Writers often deal with isolation, I need to learn to love isolation, as I'm begining to realize alone-ness for long periods of time goes with the territory. In order to engage your mind as much as it takes to get out long stories, you have to be at home, alone, even unstuck in time if necessary.

And God put this topic in front of me to write as well.

So my plan to be a volunteer backfired. Pedophile priest victims who write about it and use their real names find themselves strangely cut off from many avenues in life, I'm finding.

So one more afternoon is free for me to continue to be at home where often, for weeks, the only voices I interact with are over the phone, so please, friends, call me, keep calling me.

Meanwhile, I give up on trying to end the isolation in my life and instead have to just learn to deal with it, accept the slight madness that results. Instead of hating isolation, languish and enjoy- indeed love the extra sensitivity that the isolation gives me.

Aloneness gives me a unique way of seeing things as I'm always an observer...

Whatever. It's their loss. I wanted to, as a volunteer, start a project at that Christian nonprofit getting people jobs, clients who really want to get out of homelessness, instead I'm out the door again. Inevitably I never last anywhere more than a few weeks, sometimes just days or even hours, before I'm asked to leave. It just happened again.

Again, a pattern I can't fight anymore, it's not going to stop, I have to embrace it.

Hey, getting fired all the time means I have a lot of variety in my life.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Astonished At My Own Reaction, but stand by every word I said

From: Steve in UK
To: cityofangelslady@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 1:40:29 PM
Subject: Father Bob Poandl

Hi, you might be interested to know that Father Bob has been cleared of all charges and the Judge who dismissed the case actually called his accuser a liar in court.
I trust that you will remove your post about this good man whose life has been devastated by this false accusation.


From: cityofangelslady@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Father Bob Poandl
To: "Steve"
Date: Tuesday, 31 August, 2010, 22:57

Can you tell me where I posted about Poandl?


From: Steve
To: "cityofangelslady@yahoo.com"
Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 3:01:34 PM
Subject: Re: Father Bob Poandl

On your blog


On Tue, 31/8/10, cityofangelslady@yahoo.com wrote:

I'm sorry, I can't find the post and don't remember it, do you have the link?


From: Steve
To: "cityofangelslady@yahoo.com"
Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 3:04:22 PM
Subject: Re: Father Bob Poandl

http://cityofangels8.blogspot.com/2010/04/bishop-corrada-sj-of-tyler-texas.html ...


From: "cityofangelslady@yahoo.com" View Contact
To: Steve

Okay, it's updated, but this dismissal does not mean he's innocent. Sorry, but most the 5,500 priests in U.S. identified as pedophile predators in the U.S. are not judged guilty in our screwed up criminal court system, this dismissal does not make him innocent.

As far as I'm concerned anyone who continues to be a priest in this epidemic is as guilty as the rest, you can't be surrounded by all this filth and think there is nothing wrong, and the same goes for parishioners who apologize for these perverts.


From: Steve
To: "cityofangelslady@yahoo.com"
Sent: Tue, August 31, 2010 3:52:16 PM
Subject: Re: Father Bob Poandl

YOU don't know this good man who has been devastated by someone seeking a large payout


From: "cityofangelslady@yahoo.com" View Contact
To: Steve in the UK

With all the damage that was done to all of us, how dare you waste time defending one of them

(A minute later I sent him another one:)

To you 1 priest is more important than 1 hundred thousand victims, that's why so many of us were raped to begin with. The whole church is corrupt for letting this happen, sorry you can't see that.


Phew. Wish I didn't have to quit Anger Management Class, may have to go back, and just be quiet and listen...

Still I stand by what I said. If Catholics in the church were half as concerned about the victims as they are about supporting an accused priest, when THEY don't really know the circumstances, the survivors would all be doing a lot better right now.

After all that's come out nationwide, why assume another accused priest could not possibly be guilty?

Plus, another place the past 20 years of "advocacy" has backfired: Thanks to all the emphasis on lawsuits, parishioners still think victims only come forward to "seek a large payout."

If Catholics gave one-tenth the resources to victims as they give to these priests, who all end up with cushy retirements (so they never talk) while their victims struggle to find support in nonprofits, maybe I wouldn't be so angry.

All the way around it's ugly. And my karma to be in the middle of it, like it or not.
Posted by Kay Ebeling, Producer of City of Angels Blog

Email to Steve Sept 3 AM, not publishing his anymore:

Per Bishop Accoutability, the current John Jay numbers with newly ID'd predators added through 2008 puts it at 5.7 Percent of priests who were pedophiles. Twenty times higher than in regular population. They do not count many priests, perps like mine who was never officially accused, though my sister and I are living proof he was a perpetrator. In my research I find 1-2 more accused priests a week who are not included in the data as it is very stringent. So the numbers are still lower than reality.
Children with blood coming out of them doesn't seem to reach people, it's still abhorrent to have to end up in numbers, because the story is about children bleeding from their private parts. Most people only hear about the money, can't handle the details, so the truth is conveniently swept away.
Read something besides Catholic produced literature, which includes almost all news media as they are scared to dig into this story, so they just publish what the Church says, or what SNAP says, both of which are corporate PR statements. My blog is one of few sources of truth on this topic, including about Poandl. He was not proved innocent, he was credibly enough accused for a broke West Virginia DA's office, one of the poorest states in the US, to try to pursue the Goliath Church.
You are not getting the truth nor are most Catholics, I can tell by what they say. Your bishops are the leaders of a criminal organization, and there is probly a lot more crime hidden there, this is just what is coming out now, a fluke of our times and over sexually curious culture.
No genuine church would have let this happen at all.
To me it's a litmus test. You see the truth and take action or you bury your head in the folds of their robes and contribute to the problem. Which path will you take?