Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Observation, beginnings of a story

Humans stuff their bellies behind steering wheels to go from huge wasteful house to sprawling shopping mall or work location. There 3/4 of land is taken up by concrete mass to accommodate the hunks of steel tbese humans carry with them everywhere they go, put-put things that spew poison into the air in astonishing amounts.

These humans are evolving to be round and fat and getting dumber with each generation, very funny and quite pathetic to observe for aliens from space like me.

This is just a phase, humans can survive this era.

In the future, children could ride skateboards up and down abandoned freeways and the McMansions will likely be in ruins, but humanas will survive, if they learn how to live together in cities; i.e., be civilized and let the planet provide and thrive.

Otherwise the planet will survive our stripping of its resources and bound back to life, green and lush, long after humans have consumed themselves into extinction.
Inspired by Downsize Nation on AlterNet this morning.

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